A 588 g complete stone covered with desert varnish was collected in the Dar al Gani region. Classification and mineralogy (F. Wlotzka, MPI; M. Kurz, Neukirchen, Germany): a porphyritic basalt with mm-sized olivines (normally zoned from Fa28 to Fa37) in a finer grained matrix of pigeonite (Fs25-28) and feldspathic glass (An65); a direct comparison with a thin section of DaG 476 shows that both stones are very similar and are probably paired; however, DaG 735 does not contain terrestrial carbonate veins, and appears less weathered than DaG 476. Specimens: type specimen, 6 g, MPI; main mass with anonymous finder. |
Images of polished, cut face on main mass above.
Click Images to enlarge: This end cut of DAG 735 weighs 76 grams. The cut face measures 63.0 mm by 46.9 mm. The depth of the end cut is 27.7mm.
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