Classification Details:
( http://tin.er.usgs.gov/meteor/metbull.php?code=33436
History: Partially crusted stones with a total weight of 201 g were purchased in Erfoud, Morocco, in 2006. Petrography: (T. Bunch and J. Wittke, NAU): A basaltic shergottite that contains 54 vol.% Ca-pyroxene (pigeonite and augite), 41 vol.% plagioclase (maskelynite) and minor ulvöspinel, ilmenite, merrillite, chlorapatite, pyrrhotite, and K-Si-rich, late stage glasses. Pyroxenes show mottled compositional zoning. Dark, shock pocket glasses and veins are also present. A few melt inclusions of K-Si-rich glass, phosphates, ferroan pigeonite, and ilmenite were found in ulvöspinel. Geochemistry: Pigeonite Fs37.4-53.8Wo10.8-15.8 (FeO/MnO = 34); augite Fs27.8-40.6Wo33.4-36.0; maskelynite An54.7Or1.6. Oxygen isotopes (D. Rumble, CIW): Replicate analyses of acid-washed whole rock samples by laser fluorination gave, respectively d18O = 4.65, 4.59, 4.45, 4.78, d17O = 2.73, 2.67, 2.58, 2.80, ?17O = 0.280, 0.260, 0.240, 0.284 (all permil). Bulk composition (ICPMS, C. Herd, UAlberta): (mean of 2 replicate analyses, in ppm) La 0.97, Ce 2.32, Nd 1.70, Sm 0.71, Eu 0.43, Gd 1.71, Dy 1.12, Yb 0.85, Lu 0.12, Hf 1.07, Ba 21, Cr 646, V 236, Ni 47, Co 29. Classification: Martian (shergottite) with an "enriched" chondrite-normalized rare earth element pattern, and probably paired with NWA 2975 and related stones. Low weathering grade and a moderate shock level. Specimens: 21.3 g are on deposit at NAU. M. Farmer and J. Strope are the main mass holders.
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