A 538 g, fully crusted and minimally weathered stone was purchased in Morocco by A. Aaronson in November 2005. Petrography and Geochemistry: (T. Bunch and J. Wittke, NAU): The feldspathic fragmental breccia contains many highlands fine-grained lithologies including norite (orthopyroxene, Fs26.4Wo4, FeO/MnO = 66); olivine basalt (olivine, Fa87.2 FeO/MnO = 95; plagioclase, An84.7); subophitic basalt (Ca-pyroxene, Fs25-48Wo37.1-25.9; pigeonite, Fs27.8-31.7Wo15.4-9.3 FeO/MnO = 53; olivine Fa36.3 FeO/MnO = 90; plagioclase, An97); gabbro (olivine Fa34.7 FeO/MnO = 95; pigeonite Fs28.2Wo8.9 FeO/MnO = 67; plagioclase An94); KREEPy-like basalt (plagioclase, Ab50Or17.4; K-feldspar, Ab14.3Or83.6 in addition to silica, phosphate and Fe-rich pyroxenes); troctolite (Fa30.8 FeO/MnO = 94; plagioclase An94.7); granulitic impact melts (Fa31; orthopyroxene, Fs25.2Wo3.4; plagioclase An95); anorthosite (An92.7-96,8); glassy impact melts, coarse-grained mineral fragments, and a 0.350 mm sized grain of meteoritic Ni, Fe metal (Ni = 6.3 Co = 1.0, both wt %). In addition, the assemblage appears to be characterized by large amounts of breccias within breccias: at least 4 generations of brecciation were observed in one cm-sized breccia clast. Numerous shock-induced melt veins are present along large breccia clast margins as well as isolated melt pockets within clasts. Interior weathering grade is very low, all glasses are fresh and no apparent terrestrial alteration veins were noted. Classification: Achondrite (Lunar feldspathic breccia). Specimens: A 21.2 g specimen is on deposit at NAU. |
Click images to enlarge:
Photos of the 521 gram Meteorite prior to cutting.
Thin section photos by John Kashuba
CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY and product ID card included with each specimen.
Notice the beautiful anorthositic clasts in this meteorite.
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