146 gram oriented individual. A classic example acquired in a trade with ASU.

The murchison carbonaceous chondrite (type II, CM2) fell in Victoria Australia September 28, 1969.   A shower of stones weighing over 100kg fell over an area of over 5 square miles.   This very rare meteorite surprised scientists when it was discovered that Murchison contained amino acids which are not present on Earth.  Amino acids are "the building blocks of life" and some theorize that life on Earth was "seeded" by meteorites.  The Murchison meteorite contains about 12% water and is considered by many to be of cometary origin.


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Leading edge of meteorite - note flow lines in depression area radiating over the edges down the toward the sides.


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Back of meteorite - note rollover rim around the edge.


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Side views of meteorite - note flow lines.


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This is the fourth side of the meteorite.  This side is indented causing a low pressure area where the fusion crust is especially thick.   Note that the piece is actually photographed upside-down.


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Arizona State University identification label which came with the piece..


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