$125.00 with free US shipping ($10.00 shipping overseas).
A great educational gift for that special someone who "has everything"
Sikhote-alin meteorites come in two distinct, jagged shrapnel type specimens and the more beautiful individuals with regmaglypts. The shrapnel specimens are the result of the violent explosions as the meteorite entered the atmosphere. They broke off from the main mass too low in altitude to allow them to remelt and form regmaglypts. In contrast, the specimens with regmaglypts broke free high in the atmosphere allowing the specimen to remelt before hitting the earthIncluded in this gift set is:
A regmaglypted Sikhote-alin individual weighing between 12 and 20 grams.
A Sikhote-alin shrapnel specimen weighing between 12 and 20 grams.
A mint un-circulated commemorative stamp issued in 1957 on the tenth anniversary of the fall.
Packaged in the riker mount shown in the photo.
Also included is a full color brochure giving facts about the Sikhote-alin meteorite and fall as well as beautiful photos of high quality Sikhote-alin meteorites.
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